Monday, 2 September 2019

ESP8266 weather monitor

This tutorial will help you setup your own Weather Monitor with Nodemcu development board on which ESP8266 module is sitting as a microcontroller.

We are going to build a Weather monitor that will show all the vital stats for my home plantation.
Temperature (C), Humidity, Heat Index and Soil moisture percentage. This has helped me to maintain the perfect levels for apt growth of indoor plants.

What is an ESP8266?

The ESP8266 is a System on a Chip (SoC), manufactured by the Chinese company Espressif. It consists of a Tensilica L106 32-bit micro controller unit (MCU) and a Wi-Fi transceiver. It has 11 GPIO pins* (General Purpose Input/Output pins), and an analog input as well. This means that you can program it like any normal Arduino or other microcontroller.

And on top of that, you get Wi-Fi communication, so you can use it to connect to your Wi-Fi network, connect to the Internet, host a web server with real webpages, let your smartphone connect to it, etc. The possibilities are endless! It's no wonder that this chip has become the most popular IOT device available in the market today.


1. Arduino software to upload the .ino sketch on the nodemcu
2. To program the ESP8266, you'll need a plugin for the Arduino IDE, it can be downloaded from GitHub manually, but it is easier to just add the URL in the Arduino IDE:
  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. Go to File > Preferences.
  3. Paste the URL into the Additional Board Manager URLs field.(You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas.)
  4. Go to Tools > Board > Board Manager and search for 'esp8266'. Select the newest version, and click install. (As of Sep 1st 2019, the latest stable version is 2.5.0.)

Components Required

  • NodeMCU (ESP8266 development board)
  • OLED 128x64 screen
  • DHT-22 temperature/humdity sensor
  • Capacitive Soil Moisture sensor
  • Few jumper cables to connect the components and a breadboard.

Github Repo to clone this project and code

Schematic diagram of the complete circuit

If you want to monitor the weather on your Android device when you are outside your home and want to leverage the full potential of ESP8266 module. You can create an IOT enabled weather monitoring station with ESP8266, DHT-22 sensor and Blynk library and monitor the weather from anywhere around the world.

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