Friday, 22 June 2012

How to change LOGO of Pendrive

Hi friend with this hack ,u will be able to change the default icon of ur pendrive to any icon u want.

For this u need to create a "autorun.inf" file in ur pendrive, and copy paste the contents as follows:

icon=icons\iconname.ico                                     <---------path to ur icon
label=Saurabh's PD                                            <---------name of ur PD
Shell\Option1\Command=Software\anything.exe <---------path to software to run after autorun

If u dont have .ico file and u want to change ur .jpg file to .ico .Link to this:

Enjoy with ur customized Pendrive...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Cloning of Drives using Netcat

AIM : To clone server 1 disk to server 2

Server 1:
dd if=/dev/sda | nc 1234

Suppose Server 2's IP address in this example is and listening on port 1234.

Note: /dev/sda is the disk to clone. Choose which disk u want to clone.

Server 2: (run this first)

nc -lp 1234 | dd of=/dev/sda

Note: U can view the progress of process by installing pipe viewer to see the progress bar.Then the format will be:

nc -lp 1234 | pv | dd of=/dev/sda

: This will clone the disk from server 1 to server 2.

Link to download Netcat

Thursday, 7 June 2012

How to see stored passwords in Safari Browser

Hi fellas today i m gonna teach u how to decode the stored password in Safari browser. Many of u think it will be easy to view the stored passwords like in Firefox and Google Chrome but friends let me remind u that Safari browser belongs to Apple which assures complete security. Here there is no option to view stored passwords, we have to decrypt them. The procedure is as follows:

1. We got to know Safari Stored Password file location

In Win 7


In Win XP

C:>Documents and Settings>username>Application Data>Apple>computer>preferences

stores password in a file named "keychain.plist"

2. Apple by default provides a tool to decode the binary file "plutil.exe" , path to it:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support

plutil.exe -convert xml1 -s -o C:\keychain.xml


Above is a single command to convert cryptic 'keychain.plist' file to easily readable 'keychain.xml' file.

3. Again the generated XML file doesnt contain password, it contains the encrypted password data along with the URL and user inf. It is encoded using BASE 64 algorithm.
Finally u have to use BASE64 decoder algo to get the original password.

NOTE: All salt generation algo and decryption functions are within the CFNetwork.dll file.

Easy Step:

U can do all this by downloading a free software "Safari Password Decrypter" to automatically recover stored passwords.